# Fed State --- The **fed state** is a generally [[anabolism|anabolic]] state that lasts for several hours after eating. It encompasses the [[digestion]] and absorption of nutrients, and the bloodstream is just floating with glucose, fatty acids, and amino acids. We generally stay in a fed state for 30-60 minutes after eating, when our [[gastrointestinal tract|GI tract]] is full, and is generally characterized with the presence of [[insulin]]. At the end of a (which lasts about 3 hours), we transition to a [[fasting state]]. - [[Glucose]] is used by cells directly or, turned into [[glycogen]], and then turned into [[pyruvate]] to turn into [[fatty acids]]. - Any [[fatty acids|fatty acids]] absorbed are re-combined with glycerol to be come [[triglycerides]]. - [[Amino acids]] are used for building up any proteins needed then used for energy, and then any excess is [[deamination|deaminated]] to convert them to fatty acids. ![[fed state.png]] ___